Tuesday, November 4, 2008

One month mark

One month ago, today, my dad passed away.
With his passing and loosing our family pet on the same day, I had filled last month with so many things to stay sane, that I don't know where the month went.
Staying busy is my way of coping with things, but you wouldn't be able to tell by the shape the house is in right now, so this month I need to shift my focus a little more from creating things to creating more calmness by reorganizing things that surround me. Guess this happens when life gets out of balance. You focus so much on one area of your life, that other areas suffer. I do feel out of balance at this time and the only way to get back in balance is to re-evaluate things and change priorities. A while ago I started listening to some of Anthony Robins' CD's, about creating the time of your life. He speaks about just this scenario, where your life gets out of balance and how to go about creating more harmony to make things work for you. Quilting and creating is important to me, that's why I do it, but with things changing around here and us adjusting to not having Cliff around at this time, I will need to modify a few things to work better for us. It's hard to believe Cliff is in Korea for two months already, which means that we'll have him back in 10 months!

OK, I don't want this post to sound too depressing, though, so back to posting about the productive things I've accomplished.
Quilting and making gifts for others has always helped me release some stress, so I've been working on some Dear Jane blocks over the last few days. Today I finished my 50th block, which brings the total of pieces in this quilt to 786 so far. Here are the blocks that I've finished, since posting the last block.

OK, now off to declutter my craft table. A clear table definitely helps me to lessen visual stress and free the flow of creativity.


Candi said...

Gabriele, your Dear Jane blocks are lovely, it' going to be just beautiful. I like you had to say about getting things back in balance. That's what I'm working on now, and it's not all that easy for me. lol I'm a procrastinator and that doesn't help.

Wenche said...

Thank you for visiting my blog Gabriele. I'm sorry for your recent losses but I know that quilting is good medicine. I know.
Wenche M